"Industrial aquaculture engineering, technology and equipments" was exhibited on InnoTech Expo 2018

"InnoTech Expo 2018” was held in Hong Kong, which was sponsored by Our Hong Kong Foundation and supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China. This exposition contained three parts: agriculture, industry and medicine. The exhibition and related activities have been well received by the Hong Kong community, which has greatly stimulated the research enthusiasm of the Hong Kong community and enhanced the patriotic enthusiasm and national pride of the Hong Kong people. 

The research achievement "industrial aquaculture engineering, technology and equipments" by the research group of Sun Jianming from the institute of oceanology, Chinese academy of sciences was invited to attend the modern agriculture group exhibition of the “InnoTech Expo 2018”. The exhibition has been well received by the people of Hong Kong especially the children and students. Over 150,000 visitors have visited the exhibition, including over 71,000 primary and middle school students. This activity has greatly popularized the concept of “green, environmental friendly and high-efficient” of industrial aquaculture among Hong Kong people.  

During the exhibition, Xu Zengtai, the director of country department of ministry of science and technology and Gao Chang’an, deputy director of the ministry of science and technology visited our exhibit. Dr. Qiu Tianloing and Dr. Du Yishuai of the IOCAS introduced the advance ideas and technology of the aquaculture industrialization technologies and the recent research progress in detail, which was highly evaluated by the leaders of the ministry of science and technology.  

Industrial aquaculture is a modern aquaculture mode using industrial engineering and technology means and water recycling technology and equipments, which has advantages in  system control including water quality and feed, therefore the products of this cultural mode is safe and secure, the producing process is high efficient and environmental friendly, thus the industrial aquaculture is the important direction of aquaculture.  

Innovation Technology Expo 2018, Hong Kong
