Parameters of 7000 meter Deep-sea Operating Manipulator Developed by SIA Verified in Pressure Test

Researchers conducting test in the experimental field. (Image provided by SIA)
The 7000 meter deep-sea 7-fundtion master slave servo hydraulic operating manipulator and 6-function switch-mode hydraulic operating manipulator, both developed by Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have gone through pressure test in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province recently. Researchers have verified the parameters of the manipulators designed for 7000 meter through the test.
The test system consisted of operating manipulator and underwater hydraulic source. Researchers tested the system sealing performance, pressure tolerance and movement function of the joints of the manipulators in simulated high-pressure environment. Test results showed the manipulators have met the parameters designed for 7000 meters.
Source: Marine Technology Equipment Department