Prof. Zhongling Wang Visited IMR
Prof. Zhongling Wang, Member of SYNL International Advisory Committee, Regents Professor of Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, visited the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMR CAS), on 24-25 Nov. 2008.
During his visit, Prof. Wang gave a lecture entitled “Nanogenerators, nanopiezotronics and biomimicking nanotechnology”, and held meetings with Director Prof. Ke Lu and Deputy Director Prof. Huiming Cheng, Prof. Wang also held a discussion with scientists and Ph.D students of SYNL.
Dr. Wang received his Ph.D in Physics from Arizona State University in 1987. After a year of post-doctoral in the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1988, Dr. Wang was awarded a Research Fellowship by the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, England. He received a U.S. Department of Energy Research Fellowship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1989, and one year later he was appointed as a Research Associate Professor by the University of Tennessee. In 1993, he moved to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to set up the microscopy facility. He joined Georgia Tech in 1995. As of Oct. 30, 2008, Dr. Wang has authored and co-authored four scientific references and textbooks, published over 530 peer reviewed journal articles, 55 review papers and book chapters, edited and co-edited 14 volumes of books on nanotechnology, and held 20 patents and provisional patents. Dr. Wang is the world’s top 25 most cited authors in nanotechnology from 1992-2002 (ISI, Science Watch). His entire publications have been cited for over 21,000 times. The H-index of his publications is 70. He is a fellow of American Physical Society and fellow of AAAS, and he has received the 2001 S.T. Li prize for Outstanding Contribution in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, the 2000 and 2005 Georgia Tech Outstanding Faculty Research Author Awards, Sigma Xi 2005 sustain research awards, and the 1999 Burton Medal from Microscopy Society of America. He is a member of the editorial boards of over 10 major journals. He is an honorable and guest professor of over 10 universities. Two symposiums (May 7, 2003; Oct. 12, 2005) organized by the University of Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris) and sponsored by the L'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in the honor of Prof. Wang for his outstanding contribution in nanotechnology. Prof. Wang was awarded 2006 Lee Hsun Lecture Award by IMR CAS and SYNL.