The data workshop on mooring data processing was held in Indonesia from Dec.2-3, 2015

The data workshop on mooring data processing, which is designed in the agreement of the joint cruise between Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) and Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCO-LIPI) was held in Indonesia from Dec. 2-3, 2015. RCO-LIPI director, Dr. Dirhamsyah, and researchers from RCO-LIPI Adhitya Wardana, Praditya Avianto, Dewi Surinati, Asep Sandra etc. have attended the workshop and given presentations on the topics as follows:

1) The cruises conducted by IOCAS and RCO-LIPI (Dirhamsyah and Praditya);

2) Study on the Indonesian Throughflow (Dewi Surinati);

3) Preliminary results of CTD and ADCP observations in the Indonesian Seas by RCO-LIPI (Asep Sandra);

Dr. Dongliang Yuan gave a long talk on the importance of studying the circulation in the Indonesian Seas, especially under the influence of the Western Pacific variability, as well as the necessity of the cooperation between China and Indonesia.

Dr. Jing Wang reported research results of the eastern Indian Ocean cruise and study.  Xiaoyue Hu gave a presentation on the long wave dynamics of the Wyrtki Jet in the eastern Indian Ocean.

In the second day, Dr. Dongliang Yuan gave intensive training on the processing and understanding of the CTD and SADCP data of the 2015 joint cruise section by section. At last, scientists from IOCAS and RCO-LIPI discussed the plan of the 2016 joint cruise, including the feasibility of deploying an underwater glider in the Indonesian waters. The Indonesian scientists have also shown their historical data in the Indonesian seas, which is supplementary to the joint cruise data. The Indonesian scientists have expressed appreciation of the data explanation and training. According to the agreement, a group of Indonesian scientists will visit IOCAS early next year to learn more about data processing. Some of them have expressed interests in seeking advanced degrees in China. The data workshop is deemed necessary and important for the understanding of the joint cruise data of the past two years in the Indonesian seas, and has fostered trusts between the scientists of IOCAS and RCO-LIPI on future collaboration.