1951Northeast Branch, CAS, was established. Being authorized to administrate 8 units affiliated to CAS. |
1954Northeast Branch was repealed and the institutes were under the direct leadership of CAS.
1958Liaoning Branch CAS, was established.Being authorized to administrate theinstitutes affiliated to CAS in Liaoning Province.
1961Liaoning Branch was repealed and theinstitutes affiliated to CAS were underthe leadership of Liaoning Provincial S&T committee.
1962Northeast Branch, CAS, was established. Being authorized to administrate theinstitutes affiliated to CAS in the northeastern region.
1970Northeast Branch was repealed once more. The institutes affiliated to CASwere administrated by local government.
1978Shenyang Branch, CAS, was established and directly under the leadship of CAS. Being authorized to coordinate and administrate the institutesaffiliated to CAS in Liaoning Province, and recently Shandong Province included.