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Institute of Metal Research

ArticleSource: Update time: 2009-07-03

   The Institute of Metal Research (IMR) was founded in 1953, the first-term director was the distinguished physical metallurgist Prof. Li Xun(Hsun Lee). Prof. Lu Ke is the current director and Prof. Shi Changxu is the honorary director. 

In 1999, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) approved the merge of the Institute of Metal Research (IMR) and the Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals (ICPM). This unified body ,supported by Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP),forms a new R & D base for advanced materials in the Northeast region of China.New IMR defines its mission as to excel in materials research, develop advanced materials technology and foster exceptional talents, serving the nation, society and mankind.

   IMR hasestablished a research system consisting of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, State Key Laboratory of Corrosion and Protection, Shenyang Advanced Material R&D center, Public Service Research Environmental Corrosion Center. IMR focus mainly on high performance metallic materials, new types of inorganic nonmetallic materials, and advanced composite materials through researching and developing their structures, properties, performances, corrosion and protection, as well as materials engineering such as materials synthesis and fabrication, processing, and application exploration.

   In recent years, IMR has made great achievements in the fields of crystal physics, non-equilibrium materials and nano-materials, machinable advanced ceramics, special materials for crucial environments, high temperature titanium alloys, super-alloys, metallic foams, and materials protection techniques.

   IMR has a graduate study program to grant master and doctoral degrees in materials science and engineering. At present, more than 500 graduate students are studying at IMR. This is a group of leading young scientists who are working vigorously on the frontier fields and have achieved innovative results.

   IMR has kept relationships of scientific exchanges and co-operations with abroad institutions, universities and academic associations from more than 30 countries and regions. There are 15 scientists who are holding positions in more than 30 international academic organizations or journals.

The IMR has been editing and publishing six key academic periodicals and journals on behave of Chinese Society for Metals, Chinese Materials Research Society, the for Materials Physics (ICMP), the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Chinese Society of Corrosion and Protection. They are 《Acta Metallurgica Sinica (Both English and Chinese Edition)》, 《Journal of Material Science & Technology (English Edition)》, 《Chinese Journal of Materials Research (Chinese Edition)》,《Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection(Chinese Edition)》, and《Corrosion Science and Protection Technology (Chinese Edition)》.

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